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How to make the most of your day?

“Discipline is choosing what you want now and what you want most” – Abraham Lincoln.

Discipline comes first, before planning your yearly, monthly, weekly schedule at work or making decisions, a discipline is the main base to conduct productive work and life. Setting your discipline should start by setting your own goals and priorities. Ask yourself, what you want to achieve on a short-term and long-term basis while creating a personal performance KPI. According to your achievement goals, you can now assess yourself, set a plan and good to go. Throughout your way, you should reassess yourself for enhancements and improvements. Your discipline would include a daily routine which will boost your productivity to reach your aims and goals. Based on your work nature and professional personality you should answer the below questions:

  • What is your most productive time to work “day or night”
  • Where do you prefer to work?
  • What activity boosts your mood and mental well being?
  • If you prefer to do hard or easy tasks first
  • Find a daily accomplishment to do first
  • How many breaks do you prefer?
  • Which tool is better for thinking and brainstorming “Paper, tab or PC”?
  • Which time and for how long to consume in meetings?

While answering those questions, you should maintain a mental and physical friendly environment to boost your Self-efficiency and productivity.

Tips for a good working environment should include:

  • Proper lighting
  • Well decorated office
  • Clean and neat surrounding
  • Noise-free surrounding
  • Minimal distractions

Additionally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle based on proper sleeping and nutrition will improve your physical endurance to achieve more and more on a daily basis. The conclusion is there is no cheat code for productivity, it is totally personal and totally customizable according to your work nature and daily routine.

